What is Biblical Womanhood?

Before jumping into what Biblical womanhood is, I will be providing the stark differences between biblical womanhood and worldly womanhood.

Worldly womanhood is usually entirely always focused on the physical appearance. It’s the wearing of makeup, expensive clothes, and expensive jewelry. This kind of womanhood seeks attention solely based on the physical. It yearns for validation. It cares nothing about pleasing God nor participating in good deeds. Those things mentioned are not bad, but the issue is equating those external things as beauty. Also, worldly womanhood is drenched in sexual immorality and passion.

Biblical womanhood is very different. What God considers “beauty” is a woman who trusts in Him. A woman with a gentle and meek spirit. A woman who busies herself with good deeds because of her devotion and love for Jesus. Her mind is set on pleasing the Lord and honoring Him. Her mind is set on the eternal. She submits to her husband because of her love and fear for God. She understands her true worth comes from her identity in Christ. She is a woman full of faith and grace. It is the kind of woman that is praised and lives forever.

Let us be like the latter; her heart is wholly devoted to the King. Her goal is to please Him and finish the race. She knows her worth because she has deep roots in Christ. She is not easily shaken by trouble because her heart is steadfast on the Lord. She is a woman of character and dignity. She helps her brothers and sisters in need. She is full of good deeds. Her identity is rooted in the Messiah. Let us be like her.

Verses to read: Proverbs 31:10-31;1 Peter 3:3-4; 1 Timothy 2:9-10.

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